Application for the call for the Rectors Awards

Pursuant to Article 5, Paragraph (1) of the Rulebook on the Rector’s Award for Students of the University of Mostar, the School of Medicine of the University of Mostar announces the following:


for the Rector’s Award for Academic Performance

in the Academic Year of 2021/2022


The Rector’s Award may be awarded to full-time students of Bachelor’s, Master’s and integrated university study programs.

As a rule, at least two students from each organizational unit of the University of Mostar may receive the Rector’s Award.

The requirements that the students must meet for the Rector’s Award for Academic Performance are as follows:

  • that at the time of applying for the Rector’s Award, they are not older than 26,
  • that they have never previously won the Rector’s Award,
  • that they did not repeat any year of study,
  • that by September 30th 2022, they passed all courses of the previous year of study and achieved a GPA of at least 4,00.

The students who meet the above requirements shall submit their applications along with documents certifying the fulfillment of the requirements to the Secretary General’s Office of the School of Medicine no later than November 21st 2022.




Ivan Ćavar, Ph.D., Full Professor